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Coming Out of Hiding

I've been in isolation mode. As I write this Blog post, I'm listening To Pamela Stanley's 80's hit "Coming Out of Hiding."

I am working on putting together a newsletter and came up with the idea to write a novella to give away for free for readers who sign up to receive it.

Well, the story seemed to take on a life of its own and will now become a full-length novel. I couldn't share the hero and heroine's story in so few words (and now I'm back to the beginning in regards to the free giveaway. It will be something good, though, not to worry.)

The story line has sucked me in, tearing at my heart strings, causing me to somewhat drop off the face of the earth while working on it.

It's amazing how each manuscript I write becomes a cathartic experience in a sense, leaving me feeling drained afterward yet excited at the same time. In addition to writing this story, I've been reading a trilogy that has kicked up a lot of old thoughts and feelings, bringing about a sense of awareness with it.

Between the writing of the new book and the reading of the trilogy, I've been an emotional wreck. Excuse me, I mean I've achieved greater awareness about my internal stat of affairs. Sounds less dramatic.

What do I do when it this state?

I retreat in my woman cave: my home office where I write and yes, even my bed where I read.

On top of all this fun, my oldest came home from college for two weeks only to leave this past weekend, adding to my emotional fire.

So today, I plan on freeing myself by finishing the manuscript and getting back to work on editing my rockers so I can get them to you. I've been slacking because when I'm in a funk, I do my best writing similar to musicians who put their feelings into lyrics.

Hopefully you can feel this emotional while reading my stories. They may not be my own personal journeys but each character has a piece of me in them as they find their way through life.

It's okay to pull back when we need to. Sometimes we need to take time to recharge after situations or experiences bring us new awareness. As long as we don't get stuck in the mud. It's okay to ask someone, i.e., husband, wife, family, friends, to hold our hands (figuratively speaking in this case) because there are other times when we will do the hand-holding in return. To sum it up: It's okay to fall down as long as we don't stay there and get back up.

I'm officially out of hiding - or I will be once this new manuscript is complete - with a hell of a lot of insight as a result of it.

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