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It's All About Perception

Preparing lunch for kids this week has been quite eye-opening as far as my internal state of affairs. First I found a strawberry that resembled a heart, which my teenage daughter and her friends thought looked more like a backside. No comment. It's on my Faithstarrbooks Facebook page if you want to check it out. Then I found a berry which had a smile on it so I added eyes and a nose. Bingo, instant happy face. Last week when I was down and out about my father, all I saw were strawberries. This week, I'm overdosing on adding Pins to my Pinterest page and finding loads of inspiration from the various words of wisdom I read, hence, my creativity has skyrocketed, thus changing my perception of the things around me. I'm feeling more open and as a result, my imagination's running wild. I'm using all of this positive energy to edit the first book in my rocker romance trilogy while waiting for Purity and Diversity to come back from professional edits. Perception is a strong word. For me, it affects how I act and react to situations on a daily basis, sometimes even minute by minute. It's all in how I choose to view what's in front of me. And trust me, I find it easier said than done on many occasions, especially when things get overwhelming. Take a peek at my Pinterest page, Faithstarrbooks, and check out my inspo and happiness/gratitude boards as well as my funnies and jokes boards if you need a good laugh (warning - some are so silly they'll simply make you smile). I'm totally addicted, adding new Pins on a daily basis. Perhaps the pins I've added will help inspire you if you need a boost or giggle as well.

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